Where to Buy Bat Houses: Your Go-To Guide

So, you’re curious about where to buy bat houses? Maybe you’ve heard all about the mosquito eating prowess of these flying mammals. You might realize that saving the bats is incredibly important for the environment.
Whatever your reasoning, it’s time to buy a bat house. You just don’t know where to buy bat houses. Well, we do. At Big Bat Box, we sell bat houses, but we also have tested out the competition, too.
So we know where you’ll find all the best bat houses on the Internet. If you’re looking to buy a bat house, we’ve got you covered. So let’s dive in.
Where to Buy Bat Houses: Your Go-To Guide
Before you buy a bat house, you need to look for one thing, and one thing only. Any bat house you buy must be Merlin Tuttle Bat Conservation -Certified. Bat Conservation International certifies the best bat houses they test out each and every year.
In order to buy the best bat houses around, you should always stick with Merlin Tuttle Bat Conservation -Certified products. This will ensure the homes are designed to attract the maximum number of bats.
Now that we’ve got that covered, let’s look at where to buy bat houses:
Big Bat Box
Ok, we’re biased. Shoot us! We wouldn’t claim Big Bat Box is the absolute best place to buy a bat house in the world if we didn’t truly believe it. But we do! Our bat houses are some of the best in the world, their Merlin Tuttle Bat Conservation -Certified, and designed to attract as many bats as possible.
Just look at this beautiful thing…

Our bat box is truly the best product on the market. With a unique, sophisticated design sure to attract bats - our bat house is also made with the best materials on the market. And we’re not the only ones raving. Just look at what one of our satisfied customers said:
“We finally have bats! My husband saw the bat guano underneath the house when he was up on the roof a few weeks ago cleaning the gutters. I’m not exactly sure what we have, but based on the size of flying bats we’ve seen, I’m guessing they’re little brown bats.We live on the south side of the Big Thompson River, just west of Estes Park, at the foot of Giant Track Mountain close to the Beaver Meadows entrance of Rocky Mountain National Park. I’d say we’re about 200 yards from the river. We’re on the north slope of the mountain, so it’s cooler here and gets less sun. The bat house is mounted on the east side of our house. Our elevation here is about 7,800 ft.The Big Bat Box bat house is the best-constructed bat house I’ve ever seen, and I know a little about bat houses since we sold them for years at a retail store we used to have. I was also impressed with the map showing what exterior color one should request based on where one lives. As the new owner, I think you have a great company. We tried for years, beginning nearly 30 years ago, to get bats in various locations in Colorado. This is the first time we’ve ever had success. It may be the location, but I also think it’s the Big Bat Box bat house.” - Lisa, Colorado
Our bat houses live up to expectations and then some, but we don’t stop there. Why? Because we want to fix your mosquito problems for good. So, we’ve developed an installation system (included with every purchase) that ensures you find the ideal location and set up for your new bat house.
Big Bat Box comes in three different models. Users hoping to attract a colony of bats will find our nursery model ideal. If you’re away from water areas, then a couple of our bachelor bat houses will more than do the trick.
Our owner didn’t want us to link competitors on Amazon.com, but we ignored those wishes and did it anyway. See, we want you to have all the information about where to buy bat houses that you could possibly need.
While some may say this is silly, we truly believe that you’ll buy a Big Bat Box after looking at competitor products - because we know our bat houses are that much better.
If you’re shopping around for bat houses, then Amazon.com isn’t a bad place for you to check out. On Amazon.com, you’ll find a wide variety of bat houses for every budget. You can also find a number of DIY bat houses - if that’s up your alley.
Amazon.com features a wide, wide selection of bat houses. But the quality can vary, especially at the cheaper price points. It’s important to carefully read reviews when looking through the site and as always - only buy bat houses that are Merlin Tuttle Bat Conservation -Certified.
Local Stores
You can also buy bat houses from many local stores. Places that often carry bat houses included:
- Home Depot
- Lowe’s
- ACE Hardware
- Menard’s
- ...And Many More!
The problem with bat houses found at these stores? Well, there’s a lot of them. First, you don’t have any reviews or testimonials to look at. You just get to read the packaging and what the store attendant has to say.
Next, most of these products are of lower quality and not Merlin Tuttle Bat Conservation -Certified. They may be cheap, but that doesn’t mean they’re going to help you attract any mosquito-eating bats. In fact, many people just waste their money on these products.
Lastly, many of these products require a lot of setup on your part. Many don’t come assembled or they are not painted. Some of these products are just a few pieces of wood with brackets. Not ideal!
Buying the Best Bat Houses?
Overall, you’re much better off buying bat houses online than in-person. Why? Because you have a better selection, can see what other customers have said, and are sure to find a product that’s been Merlin Tuttle Bat Conservation -Certified.
If you’re looking at where to buy bat houses, we hope you’ll check out Big Bat Box. As one of the premier Merlin Tuttle Bat Conservation -Certified bat houses on the market, Big Bat Box will help you attract mosquito-eating bats to your home.